SGB Plant Sales, Inc. understands your need for well-formed trees and plants that will pass inspection.
We have years of experience selling trees and plants and understand your needs when dealing with different inspection processes.
We are well versed in architectural landscape terms and can answer most questions you may have about your landscape plans.
We also understand your need for the perfect interior plants. We ship only high quality material that has been shaded and prepared your project.

25g/21" European Fan Palm
Scientific Name: Chamaerops humilis
Common Name(s): Med Palm, Mediterranean Fan Palm

7 Gallon Cat Palm - Shade grown
Scientific Name: Chamaedorea cataractarum
Common Name(s): Cat Palm, Cascade Palm

Zombia Antillarum, Zombia Palm 7-9' oa Multi
Scientific Name: Zombia antillarum
Common Name(s): Zombi Palm
Commonly known as the zombie palm, is a species of palm tree and the only member of the genus Zombia.

15g Bottle Palm Hyophorbe Lagenicaulis

Chamarops Humulis, 65 Gallon - Med Fan

Majastey Palm 3 Gallon 10"

Chamondorea Cataraterum 15 Gallon

15 Gallon Cat Palm 5'

Phoenix Robelinii 15 Gallon Multi

45G Travlers Palm 12'oa

45G Travlers Palm 12'oa

15g Adonidia Multi Sun

24in Box Med Fan 7-8ft ph

15g Coontie
Scientific Name: Zamia pumila
Common Name(s): Zamia floridana, Coontie

7g/14" Bamboo Palm
Scientific Name: Chamaedorea erumpens
Common Name(s): Bamboo Palm

7 Gallon Saw Palmetto
Scientific Name: Serenoa repens 'Cinerea'

7 Gallon Saw Palmetto
Scientific Name: Serenoa repens 'Cinerea'
Common Name(s): Silver Saw Palmetto

45 Gallon Rhapis Excelsa 8'x5' Speciman

Chamaerops humilis, commonly known as Mediterranean fan palm or European fan palm, 45 Gallon - 6' x 6'

45 Gallon Mediterranean Fan Palm
Scientific Name: Chamaerops humilis
Common Name: European Fan Palm

Chamarops Humulis, 65 Gallon - Med Fan

Macrozamia Palm (Cycad) 65 Gallon

25g Latania Palm 6'

3g Chinese Fan Palm

7g King Alexander Triple

100g Sabal regen 10-12' ph

7g/14" Rhapis Palm - Shade Grown
Scientific Name: Rhapis
Common Name(s): Lady Palm

Zamia furfuracea 'Variegata'
Common Name(s): Cardboard Palm, Cycad

25g Adonidia merrillii, Christmas palm 10'

45G Macrozamia Palm (Cycad) - Macrozamia is a cycad plant genus native to Australia. Macrozamia species have palm like leaves and often grow massive trunks

Zombia Antillarum 65 Gallon

45 Gallon Bismark, Silver

Chamarops Humulis, 65 Gallon - Med Fan

3g Sago Palm

Green Malayan Coconuts 15 Gallon 8-10'

15G Triangle Palm 6'oa

15g Licuala Grandis Palm, Vanuatu Fan Palm 3-4'

15g Chinese Fan palm 10-12'

7g Phoenix Roebelenii 5' oa

15g/17" Rhapis Palm - Shade Grown
Scientific Name: Rhapis
Common Name(s): Lady Palm

25 Gallon Coconut Palm

100 Gallon, Dypsis Cabadae - Cabada Palm

30 Gallon Cycas revoluta
Common Name(s): King Sago Palm, Cycad

45 Gallon Cycas revoluta
Common Name(s): King Sago Palm, Cycad

Coconut Palm, Green Malayan 15 Gallon

25G/ 21" Christmas Palm Triple -10'
Scientific Name: Veitchia merrillii
Common Name(s): Christmas Palm, Adonidia merrillii

200 Gallon - Coccothrinax crinita, Old Man Palm

3g Ponytail Palm 30in tall

5g Areca Palm 5'

7g Ponytail Palm

25G Licuala grandis 6' oa

48 inch Cool ring Foxtails triples 24' oa
25g Fla Thatch Palm 6ft

Our staff at SGB is constantly updating our website to bring you the most current pictures of what we are seeing in the fields and nurseries. We can be found on Plant Ant and Plant Finder. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call, email or text.